Principal's Message

Tommy Mitchell
It is so hard to believe that the 2023-2024 school year is soon ending.  At time of drafting this letter there were only 49 school days remaining…
This is the time where it’s of utmost importance for all students to press-on and plan for a strong finish.  So much work has gone into this semester, so I encourage all students to stay the course and finish on a positive note.  Daily attendance and active engagement continue to be key components of getting the good grades you desire.
As the calendar progresses, we need to keep in mind of the all-important tests that our students will be taking during the months of April and May.  First off, all Juniors will be participating the very important California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing during the first couple weeks of April.  These tests assess how well students are learning new and rigorous standards in both Math and English.  The CAASPP/EAP results are one of the multiple indicators of student’s readiness for college level course work in the two tested areas.  Our Seniors will take a similar test known as the California Science Test (CAST).  For those students who are in Advanced Placement (AP) courses, AP Testing is scheduled for the later part of May.  We ask for perfect attendance and an all-out effort from all students who are scheduled for these high-stakes assessment.  
This year graduating seniors will participate in our graduation ceremony scheduled for May 23rd at Titan Stadium-can’t wait to celebrate your academic success.  It has been enjoyable seeing so many seniors excited for what the next step for them is going to be.  Whether it be college, the Military, or work force-our Titans are ready to go.
Once again, we have planned a summer school to fit the remediation needs for all.  Summer School will be in session starting on June 3rc and concluding July 2nd.  Summer school classes will be taught in-person, Monday-Thursday with Friday sessions being held virtually. Each day will consist of two (2) two-hour periods being offered with a short nutrition break between periods. Please don’t miss out on the opportunity this summer school will be offering.  It is so important to remediate grades of D or F and if needed, to take courses for original credit.  Parents and guardians please check with your student’s counselor to see if there is a summer school offering for your student.
Over the summer, all returning students will complete the registration process through our online process. Information will be sent through Parent Square. To keep our records, correct, if your address has recently changed or will be changing over the summer, please contact the office to ensure we have your correct address.  If you have not already done so, please sign up for Parent Square and make sure your student signs up for Student Square.  For further information regarding this home/school communication tool please visit our website at and click on the Parent Tools-Canvas, Aeries & Parent Square tile.
With the final quarter of the school year ahead I look forward to assisting in any way possible to ensure the academic success of your student and I thank you for partnering with me in this endeavor.   
Love you all,
Mr. Mitchell